About us
Company Background
   EVATRONIK Limited is partnering with prestigious IC manufacturer in the world for sales in Asia.
    Shenzhen EVATRONIK - based semiconductor and electronic components distributor.
    We principally engage in the supply of digital storage products, active and passive general electronic components, main chip in automotive, computing and telecommunication markets, along with the provision of our complimentary technical support. Our customers are primarily market players in the Telecommunications, Radars and Measurements sector in Asia.
Our Strengths
Ability to scale sustainably
   We diligently cultivate long lasting customer
relationships with our major customers and develop
    an ever-growing customer base to capture the
             growth of the electronic market.
   We have an experienced engineering team to
provide technical support to our sales team and to
 maintain a collaborative relationship between our
                 suppliers and customers.
    Product portfolio sourced from our quality
suppliers to swiftly response to the ever changing
 market demand and be able to capture the rising
             trend in the electronic market.
We are led by a well-seasoned and experienced
      management team who has substantial
               experience in the industry.